Call for papers RE – OPEN



In the download section is Call for papers


The Conference Committee is seeking papers for the conference with each paper having a 30-minute speaking slot. Conference will have common session for all participants and separate sessions for those interested in 144 MHz EME or 432 MHz & up EME operations. Organization committee also weighs up interest of presentation in poster section.

Draft themes are but not limited to:
• EME operation issues. This theme includes topics like operational procedures, different modes,  portable or rover operation, expeditions operation, QSO time planning etc.
• EME technical issues. This theme includes topics like antennas and their steering and Moon tracking, preamplifiers & LNAs, power amplifiers, transverters and converters, frequency and time synchronization, cabling and grounding, EMC etc.

  1. We prefer A4 electronic formats like pdf, doc, docx, ods, or other open formats from MS Office, Open Office etc. 
  2. Resolution of pictures shall at least 300 dpi. 
  3. English language.
  4. PPT presentation – will be use HDMI digital projector

Selected papers will be presented during conference and published in the Conference Proceedings. Draft of the presentations shall be issued to organizer not later than 15th of June 2021.

Final paper not later than 30th of June 2022.

 Call for papers 50 – 144 MHz send to ok1dix (at)

 Call for papers 432 MHz up send to ok1vao (at)

 Any question to or

